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Prices start from those indicated at the opening of the page. To find out in detail the price of your desired stay, choose the dates and the number of guests and click on "search". you can continue by clicking on the "complete your choice" button and you can choose whether to add breakfasts or meals or not. The "deposit" item is optional and you can continue the booking with "offline payment" i.e. you can pay once you arrive at Aqua Resort or by booking with a deposit for one night only or by paying the full amount if you prefer.
Please read our booking policies as if you are no longer able to come to Aqua Resort we can refund your deposit or full payment.

Book your apartment now. Once you have booked you can choose the type of payment that will be online (payment) or offline (payment at the Resort). Children under the age of 5 do not pay extra per day. From the age of 5 up to the age of 17, children pay the daily extras like adults.
For more information call us or Whatsapp  +254723081874 or write to us at

Please note.
We must once again repeat that we are not on the beach but 150 meters from the beach as you can also check from google map. We have a perfect view of the ocean as there are no buildings between Aqua resort and the sea. It is possible to get a splendid view of the ocean from the apartments starting from the first floor through the lush garden.
Our check in time is from 11 am check out until 10 am.
Please read the booking policies. Policies are essential to secure the booking once it is made.

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